
The TAS Group® Launches Dealmaker® Community License

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The TAS Group® Launches Dealmaker® Community License – Extending Sales Performance Automation Beyond the Sales Team

Improves overall revenue, velocity and profitability through company-wide access to deal progress and updates, and intelligent social networking for sales for enterprise-wide deal collaboration.

SEATTLE – September 20, 2010 – The TAS Group, the world leader in sales performance automation, today announced Dealmaker Community License, which provides company-wide access to intelligent sales opportunity and account management, collaboration tools and sales analytics. Dealmaker Community License is designed to support those functions in the organization that support, or are impacted by, the activities of the sales organization.

Dealmaker Community License (DCL) helps organizations solve the following problems:






Sales and Marketing Alignment

  • Insight into where opportunities are getting stalled to determine where targeted marketing support may be required.
  • Shows when opportunities in the pipeline are not being pursued.
  • Identifies Pipeline weakness when there is a shortfall in the number or value of opportunities needed to achieve future revenue goals.


Sales Forecast Accuracy and Revenue Recognition

  • Visibility into the objective projected close dates and closure probability that are calculated by Dealmaker.
  • The Itemized Revenue capability can be used to split deals into their component parts to meet GAAP or other revenue recognition requirements.


Appropriate Allocation of Resources

  • Objective deal progress, as measured by Dealmaker, can be viewed to determine the appropriate time to allocate expensive support resource to a sales opportunity.


Intelligent Deal Alerts

  • DCL users have full access to Dealmaker Pulse – Intelligent Social Networking for Sales – that provides instant objective deal alerts, and collaboration capabilities inside the enterprise.  This enables all users to ‘follow’ or watch specific opportunities or accounts, and collaborate with the sales team.

“Organizational alignment, and instant knowledge, are critical in a complex, fast-moving marketplace,” said York Baur, chief marketing officer for The TAS Group.  “Dealmaker has been delivering easy-to-use intelligent opportunity and account management methodology and process for nearly five years now, and Community License is our response to our customers’ request to make that information more broadly available, to engage the whole company in selling smarter and managing their business better, in a very affordable way.”

Features of Dealmaker Community License:





OpportunityManagement Methodology

Best practices to win the deal, TAS 1-20, Competitive Strategy, Political Analysis, etc.

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Sales Process

Manage a deal through the funnel, project close dates and probability, view qualifier assessment

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Sales Forecast

Accurate / objective based on rules, learning

Full Access

Dealmaker Coach Me

Automated Intelligent Deal Coaching

Full Access

Dealmaker Pulse

Intelligent Social Networking for Sales with instant objective deal alerts

Full Access

Performance Coach Pipeline Snapshot

Uncover Pipeline shortfall in value of opportunities needed to achieve future revenue goals

Full Access

Performance Coach Pipeline Health-check

Identify inactive deals in the Pipeline

Full Access

Performance Coach Pipeline What’s Changed

Specify pipeline movement over time

Full Access

Performance Coach Sales Cycle Velocity

Sales Analytics

Full Access

Performance Coach Activity

Check system usage and adoption

Full Access

Account Management Methodology

Maximize key account penetration

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Manage and forecast for global accounts / vertical industries

Full Access

Virtual Learning

Online learning, accreditation and reinforcement

Full Access to a dedicated limited curricula

Note:  As with all Dealmaker products, the ability to view information is restricted by users’ current hierarchy and permission level

In common with all of the other Dealmaker offerings, Dealmaker Community License integrates with popular CRM systems, adding capabilities that are beyond what’s possible with CRM customization. CRM systems currently supported include offerings from salesforce.com, Oracle, Microsoft, and SAP, with provision to extend to all CRM systems through the Dealmaker API.  Dealmaker is also available as a standalone sales performance automation solution.

Dealmaker Community License is available now from The TAS Group.  Fee for the Community License is charged on a subscription basis at 50% of regular Dealmaker pricing, and is available to all current Dealmaker customers. For more information, visit www.thetasgroup.com and the Dealmaker Magic channel on YouTube (www.youtube.com/dealmakermagic).

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